A Key factor in your IIPP (Injury, Illness, and Prevention Plan) should be drinking water. Not only is your supply of emergency water a good idea the State of California in “s 72551. External Disaster and Mass Casualty Program” required the following for some industries like Care Facilities:
(a) A written external disaster and mass casualty program plan shall be adopted and followed. The plan shall be developed with the advice and assistance of county or regional and local planning offices and shall not conflict with county and community disaster plans. A copy of the plan shall be available on the premises for review by the Department.
(b) The plan shall provide procedures in event of community and widespread disasters. The written plan shall include at least the following: (1) Sources of emergency utilities and supplies, including gas, water, food and essential medical supportive materials.
(2) Procedures for assigning personnel and recalling off-duty personnel…
Sol Wave Water offers emergency water programs for your facility. Did you know that your should have 1 gallon of water per day per person for up to three weeks (21 days). For a family of two you should have 40 gallons of fresh drinking water available.
For real survival situations it is better to remember and prioritize by the four levels of the Survival Rules of 3:
DSC_0327Now is the time to build or expand your home emergency kit. With strong El Nino conditions this Winter, you should prepare for possible flooding and related power outages. Basic service such as electricity (see Sol Wave Solar for Solar electricity needs!), gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones may be cut off for days. Your supply kit should contain items to help you manage during these outages. Visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/DisasterKit to find out more about what to include. Having a disaster kit ready, along with an evacuation plan and a family communications plan, can make a big difference for you and your family.